Name of Training Course
Passenger Behaviour Analysis – Interview Techniques

Since 1 January 2014 national and European civil aviation safety authorities have applied new procedures for controlling liquids, aerosols and gels (LAGs) at passenger security checkpoints. The new directives require security officers to be able, in certain specific cases, to questions and analyse the behaviour of passengers undergoing additional checks to determine whether the liquids they are carrying can be taken on board the aircraft.

The course “Passenger Behavioural Analysis (PBA) and Interview Techniques” is for security officers who have been selected to perform the questioning process to obtain the necessary grounding to support security officer teams in the case of a positive LAG detection by the relevant security team.

General and Specific Objectives
Understanding the framework in which a LAG related security interview takes place
Being able to identify fundamentally suspect behaviour
Being able to conduct a security interview and document it
Taking possession of the necessary baggage to take a decision on whether to permit or prohibit carrying of a LAG by a passenger

Skills Acquired
Since behavioural analysis and interview techniques are skills now being demanded which are scarce at airports participants will benefit from a large number of professional development opportunities.


Be familiar with the airport security environment
Good knowledge of spoken and written French

Qualification Issued
Course attendance certificate for “Passenger Behavioural Analysis and Interview techniques”. The course is eduQua certified.

17 hours / 2 days