A large number of conference rooms are available at Geneva Airport with the latest generation of audio-visual equipment.
A 7.5 ha weapons training area 15 minutes from Geneva Airport is available for shooting and radio-communications exercises, with a range with imitation animals and distress calls. The range is well away from any public areas and consists of hills, roads and varied areas of vegetation so that actual situations of responding to wildlife hazards can be simulated very realistically. With a specially built control tower for this type of training, trainees can drive around in their response vehicle in radio contact with the tower while dealing with situations where fauna or birds exhibit a hazard to air traffic.
Should we take action? When? What methods should we use? All these decisions which have to be taken while complying with correct aeronautical terminology and ensuring the safety of other users if pyrotechnic means are used. An aircraft parking stand (P48) within the secure perimeter of the airport is available for the training. Trainees can practice phraseology there as well as tarmac operations and use of optical or noise scarers. However pyrotechnic means cannot be used in that location.